Policy | Family Talk

Absurdity in Ohio Underscores the Need for National School Choice

Written by Dr. James Dobson | April 06, 2021

A public school in Ohio is requiring freshman students to read a slam poetry book "about a girl who liberates herself by abandoning her Christian faith and engaging in sexual promiscuity," according to reports from The Christian Post. Unless parents are made aware and opt out their children from this assignment, they will be exposed to graphic descriptions of sex and other content which we are unwilling to describe here.

Our friends at the Columbus-based Center for Christian Virtue say there is only one way to truly incentivize schools to stop this shameless nonsense: universal school choice.

"The reality is that public schools have no meaningful accountability measures in place to stop the sexualization and harm to children," said CCV president Aaron Baer. "We have to go for universal school choice. Anything else is a cop-out," he added.

Parents should—and must—have the authority to direct the upbringing and education of their children. Contact your representatives and ask them what they are doing to protect your parental rights, and your children's very lives.

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