Policy | Family Talk

America's Justice System Weaponized Against President Trump

Written by Gary Bauer | April 04, 2023
The arraignment of former President Donald Trump is a travesty of justice and a body blow to the survival of our constitutional republic. In a country already deeply divided over fundamental issues, a partisan prosecutor has irresponsibly thrown gasoline on the fire that threatens to consume us all.

The indictment of President Trump is based on convoluted legal theories and the thinnest of legal reasoning. Millions of Americans will see it for what it is—an attempt to remove the former president from the American political stage.

Some Americans want that and others oppose it. But all of us should be united around the simple but profoundly important truth that "we the people" should be able to make that choice in the 2024 primaries and general election, not a soft-on-crime prosecutor in one of the most liberal cities in America.

This legal fiasco is more reminiscent of the distorted "justice" one experiences in communist China or in a "banana republic," than it is in our great nation built on the consent of the governed and ordered liberty under God. Only America's enemies, whose power grows daily, will benefit from this naked abuse of our legal system for narrow partisan gain.

I am asking all Americans to pray for President Trump and his family, as well as for our dear country, where liberty and equal justice under the law are increasingly under assault.