Policy | Family Talk

Can We Put an End to the Madness?

Written by Dr. James Dobson | March 30, 2021

Finally, some of our representatives are listening!

Congressional Republicans have introduced two bills to ban gender reassignment surgeries for minors, and to prevent taxpayers from being forced to fund elective gender reassignment surgeries.

It’s unfathomable that we live in an age when such legislation is necessary, but just weeks ago, Democrats in the house rammed through the Equality Act, a horrendous piece of legislation that will hurt women and girls, eliminate important protections for religious freedom, and advance the radical LGBTQ agenda. Something must be done!

As Christian Post reports, The Protecting Children from Experimentation Act would "prohibit doctors from performing experimental gender reassignment treatments on children," recognizing the scientific fact that "puberty-blocking hormones can cause irreversible damage to children's bodies, including an increased risk of cancer and permanent sterilization." The End Taxpayer Funding of Gender Experimentation Act would “protect taxpayers' conscience by prohibiting federal funding for gender reassignment surgeries and treatments.”

Our prayers and thanks to Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) and Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.) for introducing this legislation in the U.S. House and Senate, and for having the courage to stand when few others will.

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