Policy | Family Talk

Did Babies Cost the GOP?

Written by Gary Bauer | November 16, 2022
Some political consultants and operatives are claiming that the political backlash from the overturn of Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022, prevented Republican candidates from winning a majority in the Senate and making more gains in the House of Representatives.

We don't know if that analysis is accurate. People cast their votes on many different issues. It would be a sad commentary on the condition of America's heart and soul if some young women were so committed to their "right" to destroy innocent human life in the womb that they were willing to overlook other issues, including out-of-control inflation, rising crime rates, failing schools and sky-rocketing interest rates.

Here's what we do know for sure and should celebrate. The overturn of Roe v. Wade has already saved thousands of babies. Tens of thousands more will be saved in the months ahead. The pro-life constitutionalist majority on the Supreme Court is the result of decades of hard work, fervent prayer, and votes cast by millions of pro-life Americans. Those citizens voted for pro-life presidents such as Reagan, Bush and Trump. They elected dozens of pro-life senators. Those presidents and senators nominated and confirmed justices to the Supreme Court often only after brutal confirmation battles.

We should all thank God and the Supreme Court that abortion on demand is no longer falsely enshrined as a "fundamental" constitutional liberty.

Worried politicians should stop worrying. Candidates who unapologetically defended the sanctity of life, including governors and House members, did well on election day. Pro-life is not only right morally, it is a winning message politically, too!