Policy | Family Talk

Dr. James Dobson Thanks President Trump for Being the First President to Speak at the Annual March for Life

Written by Dr. James Dobson | January 23, 2020

January 23, 2020 — The following quote may be attributed to Dr. James Dobson, President of the James Dobson Family Institute, regarding President Donald Trump's upcoming address at the 47th annual March for Life:



"During President Trump's first three years in office, his administration has taken unprecedented action to protect the unborn. These steps include allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood; ensuring that our tax dollars no longer fund abortions overseas; appointing pro-life judges; and protecting freedom of conscience for health care workers who object to participating in abortion, as well as employers and institutions who object to providing contraceptives or abortifacient drugs. This is just a small sample—the list goes on.

"Tomorrow, the president will again do something unprecedented. He will become the first sitting president to attend and address participants at the annual March for Life. Why is the president making this a priority?

"We can look to his words for the answer. Yesterday, we celebrated the National Sanctity of Human Life Day. In his proclamation announcing this commemoration of life, the president offered these words:

"Every person—the born and unborn, the poor, the downcast, the disabled, the infirm, and the elderly—has inherent value. Although each journey is different, no life is without worth or is inconsequential; the rights of all people must be defended.

"As a Nation, we must remain steadfastly dedicated to the profound truth that all life is a gift from God, who endows every person with immeasurable worth and potential. Countless Americans are tireless defenders of life and champions for the vulnerable among us. We are grateful for those who support women experiencing unexpected pregnancies, those who provide healing to women who have had abortions, and those who welcome children into their homes through foster care and adoption. On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, we celebrate the wonderful gift of life and renew our resolve to build a culture where life is always revered.

"I applaud President Donald Trump for his willingness to do what no president in the last 47 years has done—attend the March for Life and strongly reaffirm his administration's commitment to protect the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. And I call on my fellow Americans to join together and demand an end to the horror of abortion. Every life matters. By our words and deeds, may we show this to be true."