Policy | Family Talk

Faith-Based School Prevails

Written by Gary Bauer | July 26, 2023
Religious liberty just prevailed in another American court case. A three-judge panel for the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously that a Catholic high school could legally refuse to renew the contract of a school counselor who was in a same-sex marriage.

The case involved Roncalli High School and the Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Indiana. The panel ruled that since the counselor performed religious duties at the school she could be fired for religious reasons.

The school was represented by Becket Law that directs its efforts toward defending religious liberty. Becket Counsel Joseph Davis praised the ruling. He said, "Religious schools exist to pass on the faith to the next generation, and to do that, they need the freedom to choose leaders who are fully committed to their religious mission."

JDFI applauds this decision that recognizes the constitutional right of faith-based institutions to hire only employees who follow the teaching of their particular faith.

But make no mistake about it. As the LGBTQ agenda and the pro-abortion lobby grow stronger, attacks on religious liberty will accelerate. This is yet another reason why Christians must be involved citizens to preserve our precious God-given rights.