Policy | Family Talk

JDFI condemns Colorado’s 'Reproductive Health Equity Act 2.0

Written by Gary Bauer | March 22, 2023
We strongly condemn the misnamed "Reproductive Health Equity Act 2.0," now pending in the Colorado legislature. Colorado has already passed laws making our state one of the most pro-abortion states.

· The pro-abortion package (Senate Bills 188, 189 & 190) aims to suppress and hinder Pregnancy Resource Centers that serve women with unplanned pregnancies. It seeks to deny these Centers' First Amendment rights to provide women with pro-life information and alternatives to abortion.

· The legislation also attempts to neutralize Colorado's constitutional prohibition against public funding of abortion. No Colorado taxpayer should be forced, directly or indirectly, to pay for someone's abortion.

· The legislation allows physicians and nurse practitioners to give minors contraceptives and abortifacients without ever notifying their parents or acquiring parental involvement.

· The legislation permits those under the age of 19 to enroll themselves in Colorado's "reproductive health program" and receive contraceptives, abortifacients, and other "family planning" services without parental involvement.

· The legislative package forces churches, ministries, and Christian-owned businesses to pay for promoting radical transgender medical procedures with no religious exemption.

Colorado is better than this! Why are we trying to become the abortion capital of the United States? Our state leaders should be striving to safeguard our children, instead of destroying them in the womb.

We urge Coloradans of goodwill to unite to send a strong message to our legislature to save the women and children. Call your legislators today!