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Kudos to Mattel

Written by Gary Bauer | May 08, 2023
Sadly, it seems every day there is another example of corporate America bowing at the altar of "wokeness." It is refreshing to actually have a reason to thank an iconic company for doing something right.

We are referring to the toy company Mattel that just released its first-ever Barbie doll with Down syndrome. Mattel took the creation of the doll seriously, even partnering with the National Down Syndrome Society to ensure accuracy and sensitivity.

The release of the new Barbie doll with Down syndrome is part of Mattel's "inclusion in doll play" program according to the company. Pro-life groups praised Mattel's new doll, particularly at a time when real Down syndrome children are facing deadly discrimination across the world.

In some countries, Denmark for example, 98% of babies with Down syndrome never make it out of the womb alive because they are aborted. Sadly, in America it is estimated nearly 70% of these babies face the same fate. This is a modern-day eugenics campaign being waged against innocent little babies.

Reportedly the doll has already sold out due to a limited number being manufactured. We hope Mattel will make the doll more available. We pray that the Western nations that are currently attempting to eradicate Down syndrome by killing Down babies in the womb will stop their carnage.