Policy | Family Talk

U.S. Conference of Mayors Backs Critical Race Theory

Written by Dr. James Dobson | September 17, 2021

During a recent gathering, the United States Conference of Mayors adopted a resolution "In Support of Critical Race Theory in Public K-12 Education."

Among other things, the resolution states that "race is not biologically real, but it is socially constructed and socially significant as a product of social thought not connected to biological reality." The document also rejects "popular understandings about racism, including claims of meritocracy, colorblindness, and arguments that confine racism to a few bad apples," and claims that "the systemic nature of racism … bears primary responsibility for reproducing racial inequality."

In August, Dr. James Dobson penned his newsletter on the subject of Critical Race Theory. In part, he wrote:

[T]his movement is designed to do the opposite…to fracture us as a nation and teach our children to hate and distrust one another. This radical ideology instructs us to despise America, its founding fathers, its Constitution, and the republic framework of our governance. When added to the warping of children with LGBTQ ideology, transgender teachings, and other Leftist concepts, you might understand why I am convinced this curriculum represents the greatest threat to the institution of the family in the history of this nation.

Before we can effectively oppose CRT, we must understand its origins and intents. Take the time to read Dr. Dobson's newsletter in its entirety and share it with others. If we don't act now, it will soon be too late.

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