Policy | Family Talk

Victory In Ohio

Written by Gary Bauer | February 02, 2024
Common sense has prevailed in Ohio to the benefit of women and children! In late December, Governor Mike DeWine let down his state and outraged pro-family conservatives when he vetoed a law passed by the state legislature. That law intended to ban radical transgender surgeries on children, and it protected women's sports from biological males who illogically claimed they were women.

Governor DeWine has often stood for the sanctity of life, but on confronting dangerous trans ideology he completely failed. The backlash in December was immediate. JDFI and other Christian and pro-family groups called for the legislature to override the governor's veto.

Now the following has happened. On January 10th, the Ohio House voted 65 to 28 to override the DeWine veto, and on January 24th, the Senate joined them in a 23-9 vote. In both cases, the votes passed with overwhelming support of Republican legislators—Governor DeWine's own party!

Ohio Right to Life CEO Peter Range praised the legislature for correcting Governor DeWine's mistake by saying, "Our daughters should not be forced to compete against males in sports, plain and simple, and our children should not be undergoing irreversible sterilizations and experimental transgender medicine."

JDFI joins in praising the Ohio legislature. There is also an important lesson in this victory. After the DeWine veto, his office was deluged with calls and messages from concerned citizens. Ohio legislators also report they experienced an avalanche of communications from the grassroots. Active Christian citizens can restore our country by exercising our God-given rights to be part of the national debate and holding elected officials accountable!