Policy | Family Talk

While Americans March for Life, New Jersey Approves Abortion Until the Moment of Birth

Written by Dobson Policy Center | January 27, 2022

While tens of thousands of individuals across the country were preparing to travel to Washington, D.C., for the 49th annual March for Life, New Jersey's Gov. Phil Murphy was signing a law to advance that state's culture of death.

The so-called Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act will "explicitly guarantee, to every individual, the fundamental right to reproductive autonomy, which includes the right to contraception, the right to terminate a pregnancy, and the right to carry a pregnancy to term."

The law is even worse than it sounds. As noted by pro-life organization New Jersey Right to Life, the lack of gestational limits in the bill means that "this new statute will allow abortions at any point in pregnancy, even if the baby is viable or full term."

This is beyond heinous. Abortion is nothing less than murder, and our elected officials are sanctioning the murder of children immediately prior to their birth! New Jersey isn't alone; Since 2019, New York, Rhode Island, Illinois and Massachusetts have passed similar despicable laws.

As Dr. James Dobson has written, "If this doesn't touch your heart, you are without compassion. I hope you will not cast a single vote for any politician who supports such wickedness. We desperately need a societal change of heart. But we also need politicians who stand for life and policies that protect life."

It's time for abortion to end. Midterm elections are coming in November. Will you use your vote to help eliminate abortion once and for all?


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