Today's Broadcast | Family Talk

In the Blink of an Eye

Written by Dr. James Dobson | Jun 27, 2012 8:41:00 PM
As many of you might attest, life can change in an INSTANT. And when that happens, will we have regrets, or will we know we made every second count with those we love? That's our topic as we visit with Kim and Troy Meeder. Something happened to Troy that really drove this point home. He can't wait to share it with you. Listen in to this powerful message. Troy Meeder is co-founder of Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch, a non-profit facility for abused children and horses based in Central Oregon. After a career in corporate America, he served as a youth pastor. Troy's wife, Kim, is the author of Hope Rising, Bridge Called Hope, and Blind Hope , books that share stories of people dramatically influenced by their ministry.