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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


April 12, 2024

Americans Fear Feds Are Threat To Religious Liberty

A new Rasmussen poll on how Americans think about religious liberty has some disturbing results.

The poll conducted in late March found that 56% of likely voters in the U.S. believe that our own federal government is a major threat to our religious liberty. Only 26% say the feds are a "protector" of religious rights, and 17% aren't sure.

This result represents a major shift in public opinion during the Biden administration. Under President Trump, only 38% of the public thought our own federal government was a threat to religious liberty.

The increase in fear by the public that our own government threatens religious liberty is not hard to explain. The Biden administration has relentlessly gone after Christians who peacefully protest at abortion clinics. In 2023, whistleblowers informed Congress that the FBI was attempting to put their agents in traditional Catholic churches to monitor for alleged domestic extremism.

The Biden Justice Department has aggressively tried to force Christian healthcare workers to participate in abortion, transgender treatments and other activities that violate religious liberty. In addition, recent reports show that violence against Christian churches by nihilists, neo-Marxists and radical leftists has increased dramatically during Biden's presidency, with no federal efforts to counter the trend.

By way of contrast, during the Trump administration, the White House regularly sought advice from Christian and other religious leaders. Trump also successfully nominated and got confirmed, three new Supreme Court justices who have records of strong support for religious liberty.

JDFI believes the future of religious liberty in America is effectively on the ballot this November at every level of government. This should be a strong incentive for every Christian to register and vote.

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