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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


January 06, 2022

An Important Resolution for 2022

As we begin 2022, individuals across the country are focused on New Year's resolutions. Whether a commitment to spiritual growth, healthier living, academic or career pursuits, or family goals … nearly everyone has something they want to change in 2022.

Make no mistake, admirable but often inward-focused goals are important; but this year, let's aim higher.

Our world continues to feel the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and all of its economic and health-related impacts. This nation continues to be overrun with conflict and uncertainty. There are some in power who seek to fundamentally transform America and our way of life. Our communities are perhaps more divided than ever, and our children are facing unprecedented hostility to faith, family, and freedom. And with the wounds and anger from the last election still fresh in the hearts and minds of many, we're now just months away from a full sprint toward midterm elections.

Can this nation survive these cultural and spiritual intensities? And what are we, as Christians, to do in the face of this strife?

We cannot bury our heads in the sand, even though perhaps sometimes we wish we could. As citizens, we have a moral obligation to participate in our constitutional republic. And as Christians, we have a spiritual obligation to be "salt and light" by seeking the good of our communities. If we are to live out our faith, we need to be speaking truth into the culture.

It's not easy, but this charge is not without hope because the message of the gospel is good news. There are many issues dividing our communities right now: abortion, gender identity, human sexuality, racial tensions, religious liberty, and education, among others. But the gospel offers a light to our path! The scriptures are full of good news about our inherent value as humans, from our mother's womb all the way to natural death. And about how God has uniquely made men and women. And there's good news about His design for marriage as a reflection of Christ and the church. We need to share it! As citizens, we need to be advocates for sound policy. But as we do so, we should always seek to be as bold and truthful as Jesus, and we should also always seek to be as loving in our approach.

Together by God's grace, we can change our families, our communities, our nation, and our world!

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