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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


December 22, 2022

Cameron Beats the Censors

Kirk Cameron, the Growing Pains actor, Christian author, and father of six has an update on his battle with "intolerant" libraries.

Here's the backstory. Cameron has written a new children's book, As You Grow, that teaches biblical values, including joy, patience, and compassion. He and his publisher, Brave Books, contacted dozens of libraries around the country that had hosted "drag queen" story hours for kids and asked if he could have the same opportunity to read from his book.

The libraries slammed the door in his face, citing all sorts of excuses, including that they represented "diverse communities." Apparently, this commitment to diversity didn't include any book or author with a biblical worldview.

Kirk Cameron didn't give up. He has gone back to the libraries and made it clear that he is willing to assert his rights in court. In an interview with Fox News Digital, Cameron reported that two libraries have relented. He is now scheduled to be at the Indianapolis Public Library on Thursday, December 29, 2022, and the Scarsdale (New York) Public Library on December 30, 2022.

An elated Cameron said his hope is that children from the two communities, "can learn something about biblical wisdom and the fruits of the Spirit" from As You Grow.

This is more than just a good news story, although we could all use some of those in these troubling times.

This is a story that should remind all of us that we can't be "pacifists" in the war raging for the hearts and minds of our children. Libraries are public taxpayer-supported institutions. They can't get away with calling concerned parents "book burners" and "bigots" when we object to children being exposed to explicit sexual topics, and then turn around and ban a Christian author with a book on biblical values.

Cameron's publisher is Brave Books. We need a brave church, brave Christians, and brave warriors to defend the faith and restore America as one Nation under God.

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