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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


February 12, 2024

Do LGBTQ and Abortion Rights Cancel Religious Liberty?

In America, a nation built on religious liberty, should any of these things be required under our laws? 

• Forcing Christian doctors and nurses to perform or participate in abortions?

• Requiring a Christian website designer to create websites for same-sex weddings?

• Public schools mandating that young children from Christian homes be taught explicit sexual material in elementary school?

All of these things that violate rights of conscience, as well as many others, are being pushed by government officials on Christian and other faith-oriented families. The political Left claims to be for religious liberty, but routinely wants religious people to surrender our liberty and bow to the Left's radical social agenda.

At the International Religious Freedom (IRF) Summit in Washington, D.C., on January 31, prominent Democrat leader, Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), made it clear that she has a limited and unacceptable definition of religious liberty. She told the attendees that religious freedom must not be used "to justify oppression or prejudice" against "marginalized groups, including LGBTQI+ individuals."

Forcing a Christian business owner to serve a same-sex wedding or telling a Christian foster care agency they must place children with same-sex couples is a profound violation of the rights of conscience and religious liberty. But powerful left-wing elected officials think rights of conscience must be revoked in the name of non-discrimination.

JDFI is grateful that the addition of three pro-religious liberty justices to the Supreme Court by President Donald Trump has put religious liberty in America in the strongest position it has been in years. In recent years, the Court has decided at least 12 cases on the side of religious liberty. But the battle is not over. The view expressed by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is held by powerful elected officials and well-funded lobbying groups. Christian citizens and anyone who cares about religious liberty must be vigilant and active in the public square.

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