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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


May 19, 2023

Rev. Franklin Graham: America in “Downward Spiral.” Urges Christians to Speak Truth.

The Reverend Franklin Graham delivered the keynote address at Liberty University's commencement ceremony this year. His powerful message should be heard far and wide in this critical time for America and the Church.

Graham bemoaned what has happened to the United States just in the last few years since Liberty's graduating class were freshmen. He told the rapt audience:

"Think how much it has changed. The increase in violence, the moral decline. I can't help but think that the heart of God is grieved as He looks at our world today. Our country. Oh, I love our country, but it's in a downward spiral morally, spiritually, economically, politically."

Graham left no doubt what he believes has caused the breathtaking decline our country is experiencing. He said it is all because we have "turned our back on God and His truth." He added, "The Bible doesn't contain truth, it is the truth."

"Where does all this come from? It comes from Hell. It comes from Satan. He's the author and he's the father of lies. You see, the world wants you to sit down and shut up. No, don't you do that. I want you to stand up, to shout out, to lift up your voice, to lift up the truth."

JDFI completely agrees with Franklin Graham's explanation of what the origins of our moral meltdown are and what the solution is to our growing troubles.

Go here to watch the entire message by Rev. Graham. Join us in praying that his words of wisdom will be heard and heeded by millions of Americans. Pray that the Christian church in America will speak boldly biblical truth from the pulpits of our country.

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