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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


March 22, 2024

Gaines vs. The NCAA

Riley Gaines is a young Christian lady who is taking on radical transgender ideology. She receives death threats and has been assaulted. But she is standing firm. Why does Riley speak out and take this abuse?

In an interview with the Daily Wire, Gaines said she had been planning to go to dental school to become an endodontist. But she added, "I quickly learned that the fastest way to make God laugh was to make plans for myself."

Gaines knew that she had to drop everything and follow the calling God laid on her heart to be a voice for female athletes against men pretending to be women. She said:

"I'm done competing, this is not about me. I can't imagine my sister having to share her locker room with a man. I hope to one day have a daughter, and I can't imagine her not having the same opportunities that I had...

"This is bigger than just sports—the changing of the language, words that apply to women, the silencing of women's voices... When you see the bigger picture—looking at how universities, corporations, even political officials, are denying objective truth—we're living in a George Orwell dystopian novel where they're telling us to say that 2+2=5, and we all know that it's not 5."

Gaines is absolutely right.

The radical transgender movement is not only cheating young women out of hard-earned awards and scholarship opportunities, they are also demanding the rest of society lie by referring to a man as "she." They're insisting that we embrace the lie that "men" can get pregnant. They are demanding that we "affirm" a child's gender delusions or else risk being charged with child abuse and losing our children.

We must resist this insanity!

That's why JDFI is pleased to report that Riley Gaines and 15 other female athletes are fighting back. They are suing the NCAA over its policy of allowing men pretending to be women to compete in women's sports.

As you may recall, Gaines was on the University of Kentucky's college swim team. In the 2022 NCAA championship, she was forced to compete against Will Thomas, a 6-foot-tall man who later "identified" as "Lia" Thomas. Not only did Gaines and her female teammates have to compete against Thomas, they were forced to share a locker room with him.

Gaines and the other female athletes are suing the NCAA because its transgender policy "institutionalizes cheating and discrimination." That's true. Mediocre male athletes are smashing records previously held by women and, in the process, crushing their hopes and dreams.

This lawsuit also comes on the heels of the NCAA admitting to Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) that they "never studied the harm" of allowing men to compete in women's sports. They just threw common sense, not to mention common decency, out the window in order to placate some fringe fantasy.

JDFI will follow this lawsuit closely. Please join us in praying for a positive outcome.

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