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February 23, 2024

LGBTQ Advocates the Desecration of Iconic Cathedral

America's churches are increasingly targets of violence and desecration from radical LGBTQ fanatics. Sadly, elected officials, particularly on the left, have been silent or slow to condemn the disturbing and unacceptable trend.

The latest target was the iconic St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City. Church officials were approached by individuals who asked permission for a funeral mass for a Catholic who had passed away. But they failed to tell St. Patrick's that the deceased was a transgender radical from Argentina named Cecilia Gentili. This person was a cross-dressing atheist who fought in New York to decriminalize "sex work." The deceased also was a major fundraiser for the transgender movement.

Nearly 1,000 people attended the funeral and proceeded, by their actions and words, to mock St. Patrick's and Christians. Many of the attendees were provocatively dressed as prostitutes and danced in the aisles of the cathedral while sacred hymns were played. An image was displayed at the foot of the alter of the deceased with a halo around her head and the Spanish words for "transvestite," "blessed" and "whore."

Father Salvo, the rector of the cathedral, called what happened "sacrilegious and deceptive." The New York Times referred to the outrage only as "an exuberant piece of political theater."

I can only imagine what the political and legal reaction would be if 1,000 Christians, under false pretenses, entered an LGBTQ site and praised Jesus Christ while urging repentance.

As our country falls deeper into darkness and anti-God bigotry, it is essential for us to stand united in defense of places of worship. Countries that turn a "blind eye" to the desecration of holy sites almost always sink into worse persecution and violence.

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