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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


October 23, 2023

LGBTQ Leaders Throw Weight Behind Biden

Three of the most powerful LGBTQ activist organizations in America have just issued formal 2024 reelection endorsements of President Joe Biden. The three groups are the (misnamed) Human Rights Campaign (HRC) PAC, the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) Action Fund, and the Equality PAC. All three groups have significant political assets they will deploy to benefit Biden. They promised in their endorsements to do major voter registration drives and political messaging.

The endorsements should not surprise anyone. Kelly Robinson, president of HRC, explained that Biden's "leadership is crucial now more than ever as LGBTQ+ Americans are living in a state of emergency," as the "right-wing" is "working tirelessly to erase us."

JDFI had to scratch our heads on that claim. The LGBTQ+ special interest lobby is in no danger of erasure. In fact, their sexualized political agenda is on constant display with the backing of virtually all American "elites." Americans in the workplace, in our schools, and in popular entertainment are brow-beaten into "kneeling" and expressing pride in the LGBTQ lifestyle. If anyone is in danger of erasure, they are the parents who want to protect their children from LGBTQ-oriented graphic sex ed. Remember the Biden administration's Justice Department labeled those parents potential "domestic terrorists" and set up a hotline to report them?

Parental rights groups are constantly under attack from the three endorsing organizations. In addition, religious liberty legal groups regularly have to defend Christian Americans who are being pressured to embrace and endorse LGBTQ ideology in the workforce.

JDFI does agree with NCTE Action Fund executive director Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen, who said, "Without question, the Biden administration has been the strongest advocate for the needs of transgender Americans of any presidential administration in American history."

Sadly, that fact has been to the detriment of women and girls who are being denied "safe space" from men and boys claiming they are women.

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