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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


April 15, 2024

New Study Debunks Trans Narrative

Everything about the transgender ideology is anti-science as well as being anti-God. The Lord created mankind to be men and women. Science confirms that genetically there are two genders—male and female. A man cannot "become" a woman, nor can a woman "become" a man by radical, deforming surgery or administering powerful, dangerous drugs.

Another dangerous and anti-scientific claim of the trans movement is that a child "trapped" in the wrong body is likely to commit suicide unless parents consent to "gender-affirming medical care."

A large new longitudinal study from the Netherlands proves that rather than subjecting children suffering from gender dysphoria to irreversible surgeries and powerful chemicals, the best treatment is time itself. The study concludes that most children will overcome their confusion after they become adults, going on to lead normal lives.

Here are the basic conclusions of the study that tracked 2,700 people between the ages of 11 and mid-twenties. Eleven percent of them expressed gender dysphoria at the beginning of the study, but by the time the children reached their mid-twenties that figure dropped to only four percent.

There is growing evidence that feeling confused about sexuality and gender issues as a child is not that rare. What has changed is the current decadent, godless culture we now live in. Social media pushing transgenderism is consumed by impressionable children. The LGBTQ movement sees the tragedy as another way to promote their agenda in the schools. A medical industry hungry for profit sees the trans phenom as a new income stream. Progressive left politicians see another group to exploit for their own power. Neo-Marxists grab the issue in their relentless war against Judeo-Christian civilization.

JDFI will continue to speak the truth on the dangers of trans ideology. We urge more states to pass laws that restrict irreversible medical procedures on minors who cannot make legitimate decisions on treatment, given their immaturity. We urge President Biden and his administration to stop using federal government powers and regulations to promote transgenderism as a civil rights issue.

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