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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


May 13, 2024

Religionless Christianity

Our friend, Eric Metaxas, is quickly becoming a modern Paul Revere for the American Church. On the heels of his 2022 book, Letter to the American Church, which described the disturbing similarities between the sleep-walking church today and the German church of the 1930s, Metaxas is sounding the alarm again. In Religionless Christianity: God's Answer to Evil, Eric warns that the hour is extremely late for God's people to confront the tidal wave of evil engulfing America.

In an interview with the Christian Post, Metaxas explains the intriguing title of this new tome. In a letter to a friend in 1944, German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer argued for the German church to be a genuine faith that was more than just "religious." But Metaxas is going further by insisting on "a full-throated expression of faith in the public square."

This book is not meant to entertain us—it is meant to "convict" us to rise to the occasion. Metaxas argues that America is in "the third existential crisis of our history." The first two were the American Revolution that led to our independence, and the Civil War in which we eliminated slavery and fulfilled our founding principles.

Eric told the Christian Post that Christians and many of our leaders are complacent and believe that "things have pretty much always been the same, and things get better and worse; the pendulum swings back and forth, but we'll be fine. That is precisely what the German Church believed, which caused them to sit on their hands just long enough for evil to totally take over their nation. That's where we are today."

In his Christian Post interview, Metaxas took on the widespread effort to intimidate the church to remain silent and uninvolved in the great battle raging in America. JDFI has noted regularly that the term "Christian nationalism" is being employed to cower believers to retreat from the public square.

He urged Christians to stand strong. "We need to understand that these are demonic forces that are trying to silence the voice of God's people. It's nothing less than that. And so anytime someone refers to the boogeyman of Christian nationalism, just laugh at them and ignore them, because all they're trying to do is create a term to silence God's people," Metaxas said.

JDFI agrees. America is sinking from the weight of widespread corruption. Our current government is promoting abortion and insisting we embrace the lies of transgender ideology. There are riots by Leftists and Islamists on our university campuses with little consequences for the perpetrators. But parents who go to school board meetings are labeled "domestic terrorists." Pro-life advocates who pray outside abortion clinics are sentenced to crushing punishment. If the American church does not boldly stand up now, more serious persecution is on the way. We will have betrayed our founding fathers and condemned our children and grandchildren to lesser lives.

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