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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


January 05, 2024

What Was He Thinking? Ohio’s Governor Stands With Trans Insanity

We are deeply disappointed in Ohio Governor Mike DeWine. He closed out 2023 by vetoing a commonsense bill that would have protected Ohio's children from the toxic transgender ideology. The legislation would have prevented a minor child from being given powerful chemicals to block their normal puberty. The bill also protected women's sports in Ohio by ensuring that only biological girls could participate in female sports competitions. Similar legislation has passed in dozens of states around the country, and polling shows the public agrees with the legislation's goals.

After the vote, Gov. DeWine made a disgusting effort to convince the public he was defending parental rights by blocking the bill. All of us at JDFI are committed to parental rights, but DeWine's claim misses the mark by a mile. Parental rights does not include the right to physically abuse your children. Giving little boys and girls who are not mature enough to understand the consequences of such powerful chemicals, or subjecting them to deforming radical surgeries in the name of "trans-care," is abuse, pure and simple.

Gov. DeWine, in defense of his ill-conceived veto, advanced transgender myths that are often used to "browbeat" parents to authorize these radical experimental treatments. For example, children suffering from gender confusion often show signs of depression. Parents are told that if they prohibit the radical treatments, their child could commit suicide. Parents have reported they were pressured with manipulative claims such as, "Do you want a dead biological son or a live transgender girl?" DeWine clearly seems to have bought into this emotional blackmail, but the evidence shows depression and suicide rates do not decline after radical trans treatment.

The reform legislation Gov. DeWine vetoed passed by large margins in the state legislature, supported overwhelmingly by Republican members of the House and Senate. There are sufficient votes to override Governor DeWine's veto and they should do so ASAP.

• Call Governor Mike DeWine's office at 614-644-4357 and tell him how disappointed you are in his actions.

• Call Senate President Matt Huffman at 614-466-7584 and House Speaker Jason Stephens at 614-466-1366 and urge them to override DeWine's veto of House Bill 68.

For more information, visit our resource page, Transgenderism: Truth and Grace

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