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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


February 21, 2024

Who’s Killing Nigerian Christians?

The European Parliament has passed a resolution condemning the mass killing of Christians and the burning of churches in Nigeria. Better late than never. Much of Europe has said virtually nothing about the growing persecution of Christians in Nigeria, just as the Biden administration can't find its voice either.

Unfortunately, it's a close call whether the European Parliament resolution is really better than nothing. They were too cowardly to even name the killers.

They went on to declare that "the perpetrators have yet to be identified," and that these atrocities are happening because of "rapid climate change." Yes, that is really what they said. The resolution also partially blamed the government of Nigeria for disbanding mediating institutions meant to alleviate the crisis, although I see no evidence that the murderers are interested in attending counseling sessions.

As most of us know, there is a significant and growing population of radical Islamists in Nigeria. They believe they are commanded by the Koran to kill Christians and other religious minorities. And that is what they are methodically doing, while the world looks the other way.

Western elites in Europe just can't bring themselves to condemn these murderous Islamic supremacists. Our State Department plays word games about the violence against Christians too.

Christians and our Jewish brothers and sisters are the most persecuted faiths in the world. America used to care, but not under our current leaders.

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