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Pastor Brenen and Morgan

Pastor Brenen and Morgan Beeler

Pastor Brenen Beeler is the founder and lead pastor of the non-denominational Regenerate Church in Orange County, California. He also ministers through the national radio program, Regenerate Radio.

Pastor Brenen and his wife, Morgan, have the privilege of speaking at conferences and churches around the country, as well as leading a multi-generational church that reaches people throughout Southern California.

In addition, they contribute faith-based content for the Family Talk social media channels. Brenen and Morgan make their home in Orange County with their sons, Sheaden and Brenson, and their daughter, Katin.



Pastor Brenen

Instagram: @BrenenBeeler


Instagram: @MorganBeeler



Parenting with Humility

Christian parents are called to use biblical guidelines when teaching, disciplining, and relating to their kids. However, failure is part of being human. In this video, Brenen and Morgan Beeler ...

Helping the Least of These

Many in our country are struggling financially and the rate of homelessness has skyrocketed. What are some ways that you and your kids can reach out to those in your community who have fallen on hard ...

Words That Bring You and Your Mate Closer to Christ

Our words can uplift and encourage others, or offend and destroy. It’s important to watch what we say to make sure we express our thoughts in a way that brings people closer to Christ instead of ...

Saying “I Love You” Without Speaking

In marriage, it’s not always the words we say but simple gestures that show how much we love and cherish our mates. In this video, Brenen and Morgan Beeler share some ways to say “I love you” without ...

Building Intimacy In Your Marriage

If you’re a husband who wants to experience intimacy with your wife, you need to connect with her emotionally. While this can be a challenge for men, Brenen and Morgan Beeler explain in this video ...

Consider Your Family Members More Important Than Yourself

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to focus only on what’s most important to you. In this video, Brenen and Morgan Beeler explain that this is a common reason why spouses fail to consider the ...

Teaching Your Kids to Serve People Who Are in Need

Encouraging children to have compassion on people is an important part of parenting. Teaching your kids to serve in the church can help them see the needs of others and be a blessing. In this video, ...

Avoiding a "Character Vacation"

People are often tempted to behave one way in public and the opposite in private. In this video, Brenen and Morgan Beeler explain that our kids will notice if we take this “character vacation,” and ...

Teaching Your Children How To Love Difficult People

Children will encounter people who are cruel to them throughout their lives. It can happen at school, in their personal relationships, and as they grow up and begin working outside the home. In this ...

Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Your Anger

When conflict occurs in marriage, we either try to fight it out while we’re angry, or sweep it aside to avoid it. Both methods can make the problem worse rather than resolving it. In this video, ...