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Matt & Ariel Holcomb

Growing up in Texas, Matt Holcomb was well acquainted with Dare to Discipline, by Dr. James Dobson. His parents relied heavily on the bestselling book. Back then, he didn’t appreciate the "discipline" part of his instruction as much as he does today. Matt and his wife Ariel now rely on the book just as his parents did to raise their two adopted children, Finn and Hazel Grace.

As a military pilot, Matt’s job has taken his family across the country and him around the world. With the constant moving, he and Ariel used the truths in this and other resources from the Dobson Family Institute to ground their marriage and their parenting in the Word of God. In 2021 their time in the military came to an end after almost 15 fantastic years.

Now they are slowly transitioning back to civilian life and plan to settle in West Texas where they met. As homeschooling parents, Matt and Ariel seek to apply the wisdom they’ve learned through the years so their children will know Christ and make Him known.

When Our Kids See Us Fail

Stressful times and disagreements can make it hard to honor the Lord in front of our children. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb explain that we don’t have to feel like we always need to be ...

Teaching Children to Love Others

It’s important to teach our kids what the Bible says about how to treat others. But it’s more critical to show them by example what that looks like every day. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb ...

A Simple Way to Show Honor and Respect to Our Spouse

There are going to be days when we fail to show honor to our spouse. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb explain that this is why we should regularly speak highly of our partner in front of others. ...

Outside of the Ordinary

Husbands, would you like to bring a smile to your wife’s face today? Matt and Ariel Holcomb suggest doing something out of the ordinary. Stop by the store and buy flowers, or offer to cook her ...

Raising Children to Love God's Word

Raising children to love God’s Word doesn’t happen by accident. In this video, Matt and Ariel Holcomb explain that Mom and Dad need to be purposeful in leading their kids to read the Bible, study it, ...

Helping Your Children Walk in Relationship With the Lord

When God blesses you with children, He wants you to encourage them to walk in a close relationship with Him. One way to prioritize that is to pray with and for your kids daily. In this video, Matt ...

When You’re Dissatisfied With Your Spouse

There will be times in marriage when we will become dissatisfied with our spouse. Maybe he or she isn’t doing something we expect, or perhaps there are character or personality flaws that embarrass ...

When Marriage Is Lonely and Seems Hopeless

If intimacy is eroding in your marriage, the growing distance between you and your spouse can lead to bitterness and frustration. The loneliness can seem inescapable. In this video, Matt and Ariel ...

Contemplating Divorce

Imagine walking out on your spouse because he or she boiled potatoes at the wrong time. It sounds immature, but it happened to Matt and Ariel Holcomb. In this very personal video, they reveal many of ...

Many Troubles

When the Apostle Paul wrote, “Those who marry will face many troubles in this life” (1 Corinthians 7:28), he wasn’t kidding! While marriage has its challenges, God created this unique relationship to ...