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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


July 28, 2023

A Strange View of “Sacred”

Pro-life conservatives in Congress, led by Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), are courageously fighting the Biden administration's radical pro-abortion policies. Sen. Tuberville has been blocking military promotions in protest of the Pentagon's new policy that uses your hard-earned tax dollars to subsidize the travel costs of female personnel seeking abortions.

House conservatives recently approved an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act to defund these pro-abortion subsidies. But the Biden administration is fighting back.

White House spokesman John Kirby declared that female troops have a right to expect that the military "is going to take care of you," and that they can "count on the kinds of health care and reproductive care they need."

Kirby added that this "reproductive care," i.e. abortion, is a "foundational sacred obligation of military leaders," and, "It's just the right darn thing to do for people that raise their hand and agreed to serve in the military."

To describe the destruction of innocent children as a "sacred obligation" is a shocking and deeply offensive statement coming from someone like Kirby, whose job it once was to defend this country.

Kirby's remarks are grossly misleading, and he knows it. As a retired rear admiral, he surely knows that no woman volunteers to serve the military because of a government promise to subsidize abortions.

Kirby certainly knows that such a policy has never existed before and explicitly violates the Hyde Amendment — the federal law that prevents the government from subsidizing abortions.

But it speaks volumes of the Left that Kirby would defend abortion as a "foundational sacred obligation." Pregnancy is not a disease. Abortion is not health care. And there is nothing "sacred" about it.

A January Marist poll found that 60% of Americans overwhelmingly oppose taxpayer-funding of abortion.

JDFI applauds Sen. Tuberville's bold stand against this outrageous pro-abortion Pentagon policy. We urge Speakers Kevin McCarthy and other pro-life advocates in the House of Representatives to stand firm and hold the line in upcoming negotiations with the Democrat Senate.

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