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Relying on God's Strength

Guest: David Abel

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May 26, 2023

Abortion and Trans Radicals Join Hands

Two great dangers to America's children — abortion and so-called "transgenderism" — are increasingly being legislatively joined together in a tactic that threatens parental rights across America.

In multiple states, including California, Vermont and Michigan, pro-abortion activists have passed state constitutional amendments that create an unlimited right to "make and carry out reproductive decisions." That innocuous phrase is legally defined as including the right to abortion. These state constitutional amendments also have no restrictions based on age — so under these initiatives, a young girl can get an abortion without any parental input or consent.

That would be bad enough, but there is something even worse lurking in these state initiatives. The words, "reproductive decisions," will likely be interpreted by liberal judges as including chemical-castration drugs and genital surgeries that are at the core of transgender medical interventions. Thus, parents would again be blocked from protecting their children from these life-changing interventions.

Unbelievably, President Biden, himself, has condemned laws passed in some states to ensure parental rights are respected on these questions as "cruel" and "almost sinful." Other Biden administration officials have said our children belong to everyone — not just parents.

For example, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona tweeted recently, "Teachers know what's best for their kids because they're with them every day. We must trust teachers." I'm sorry, whose kids? Our children do not belong to the teachers' unions!

Speaking before a major gay pride event earlier this month, the White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, "These are our kids. They belong to all of us."

Her comments echoed those of Vice President Kamala Harris, who recently declared, "When you see our kids, and I truly believe that they are our children, they are the children of our country, of our communities. . ."

None of these political claims are true. Our children were created by God and made in His image. He blesses us with our children. As parents, we have the right and obligation to raise them and lead them on a godly path.

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