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From Poverty to Ph.D., Part 1

Guest: Dr. Carol Swain


August 21, 2024

America’s Countdown Has Begun

America’s Countdown Has Begun

The 2024 presidential election is just over ten weeks away. This race is the most consequential in decades. The individual voted in as our next president – and those who control the next Congress – will determine whether our constitutional republic survives.

•    One party offers less government, fewer regulations, and lower taxes. The other tenders a bigger government, more onerous regulations, and higher taxes.

•    One party promotes parental rights. The other wants the government to decide how children are raised.

•    One party believes human beings are created as male and female. The other believes there are dozens of genders, and children can choose which one they want to be.

•    One party wants all children to be welcomed into the world and protected by the law. The other supports abortion-on-demand throughout a mother’s nine-month pregnancy – and perhaps even at her child’s birth.

•    One party will make our borders secure. The other insists on open borders and amnesty for the multiple thousands of people who have crossed our borders illegally.

•    One party values peace through strength. The other thinks we can pacify our enemies.

•    One party supports the US-Israel alliance. The other pressures Israel to surrender land and security.

•    One party seeks to preserve freedom of speech, religion, and assembly. The other tries to restrict those rights. 

Will we continue to embrace liberty under God, or will we choose a dystopian future of socialism and secularism? The people of America must choose. We pray that all will vote and that each voter will choose wisely. 

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