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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


April 14, 2023

Baby-Killing Pills

The Biden administration continues to use every tool it has to keep the number of abortions in America as high as possible.

There were new developments this week in the battle over the abortion pill mifepristone, which Biden's FDA wants to hand out like candy. The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued a mixed opinion that guarantees the battle over the pill will continue.

The court put a "stay" or halt on a lower court opinion that blocked distribution of the pill, which the FDA first authorized in 2000. We are pleased that the appeals court also left in place a halt to changes the FDA made in recent years that attempt to distribute the pill more widely. For now, the FDA is not permitted to:

• Lower the gestational age at which a woman can use the drug from ten weeks to seven weeks.
• Allow non-doctors to prescribe or administer abortion-inducing drugs.
• Reduce the number of required in-person doctor's office visits from three to one.
• Eliminate the requirement to report non-fatal adverse outcomes from the abortion pill. (Of course, every abortion-inducing pill results in a dead pre-born baby.)

In addition, the appeals court, for now, blocked the FDA from distributing mifepristone via mail order.

The court ruling is the result of a lawsuit filed by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) on behalf of four national medical associations in November of 2022 against the FDA. We stand with ADF and agree with their main point — that the FDA is promoting pro-abortion policies over science, medicine, and the welfare of women.

The battle over this killer abortion pill is far from over. The Biden administration immediately announced that it is appealing the Fifth Circuit Court's ruling and seeking "emergency relief" from the Supreme Court.

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