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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


June 09, 2021

Biden Administration Funding Death at a Record Rate

During his presidency, Barack Obama made no secret of his support for abortion, but President Joe Biden and his administration are taking America's culture of death to a new low.

Now that the Democrats control Washington D.C., they have used legislation and Biden's executive action to direct nearly $500 billion to the big business of abortion. As LifeNews.com reports, in some instances they have steamrolled restrictions that have long prevented taxpayer dollars from being used to directly fund abortion. Now, more than $386 billion could directly fund the killing of babies, according to our friends at the Family Research Council.

This is beyond outrageous! As FRC's Connor Semelsberger notes, Biden is on track to be the most pro-abortion president in the history of this nation.

Before the last election, Dr. James Dobson reminded us of the importance of voting pro-life, saying, "We desperately need a societal change of heart. But we also need politicians who stand for life and policies that protect life."

Instead, we elected politicians that show no regard for the sanctity of human life, and we now have the blood of innocents on our hands.

Thankfully, at least some government officials are willing to stand against this evil. More than 20 Republican attorneys general have threatened to sue the Biden administration if they follow through on their plans to force taxpayers to fund the abortion industry through the Title X program.

We must pray for our nation to turn from its wickedness, and contact our representatives and demand that they take a stand for the unborn. We also must begin praying for those who will run for office in the 2022 midterms. May God have mercy and protect the innocent from those who want to destroy them.

Learn more:

Biden Has Sent 20 Times More Tax Dollars to the Abortion Industry Than Obama

21 Republican AGs Will Sue Biden if He Tries to Make Americans Pay for Killing More Babies in Abortions

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