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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


August 17, 2021

"Buyers' Remorse" For Voters?

Some who voted for Joe Biden and other Democrats in the last presidential election expressed concerns about Donald Trump's tone, particularly on social media.

Less than one year into the Biden administration, it appears voters may be starting to regret their decision.

Nick Stehle writes on Townhall:

Countless small businesses have shuttered their doors, millions of American workers have been paid to stay home instead of encouraged to find work, and American families are facing rising inflation, the likes of which we have not seen in years.

We're barely six months into Biden's term and many voters are already experiencing a massive case of buyer's remorse. A recent survey from the Center for Excellence in Polling found that less than half of all voters approve of the job Joe Biden is doing as President—a noticeable drop since May.

Last October, Dr. Dobson warned of picking a candidate based on personality. He offered the following caution: 

With all respect, this election isn't about you. It certainly isn't about me. It is about our kids and grandkids. It is about those who are yet to come, if they are allowed to live. This vote has awesome implications for future generations and the nation we love. It is about our Constitution and the immutable, God-given rights it protects. It is about values, and truth, and greatness, and hope. That is why the notion of choosing a president based on frivolous personality characteristics is so unfortunate.

Just over a year from now, America will hold midterm elections. Will we correct course as a nation, or will we continue down a dark road? The choice is ours.

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