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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


October 04, 2023

California Governor Newsom Disappoints Trans Lobby

California recently passed an outrageous bill that would require judges in child custody cases to take into consideration whether a parent affirmed a child's gender identity. For example, under this law, if a seven-year-old boy told his divorcing parents he was actually a girl, the parent who sought help for the child to overcome this delusion would lose custody in the divorce. Unbelievably, this anti-child, anti-parent bill passed by a 51-13 vote with all votes in favor coming from Democrats, and all votes against coming from Republicans. The passage of the law was so shocking that one pro-family legislator, State Senator Scott Wilk, urged parents to "flee the state."

Surprisingly, pro-trans Governor Gavin Newsom just vetoed the bill. In a statement explaining his veto, Newsom praised the "passion and values" of its sponsors. But he also expressed worries that it could spark a backlash in conservative states that could "diminish the civil rights of vulnerable communities."

JDFI is not impressed. Governor Newsom is at the top of the list of governors promoting radical trans ideology in public schools and in society at large. His veto is more likely an attempt to soften his anti-parent image as speculation mounts that he may run for president. Whatever the explanation, anything that causes a pause in the assault on the family in California is welcomed.

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