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April 05, 2024

Celebrating Trans Visibility On Resurrection Sunday

While Christians on Good Friday were praying and reflecting on the crucifixion of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Biden administration focused on releasing its annual proclamation celebrating International Transgender Visibility Day, which this year fell on Resurrection Sunday—Easter.

The backlash to the Biden administration's insensitivity to Christians was immediate. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, who is an Evangelical, said, "The Biden White House has betrayed the central tenet of Easter—which is the resurrection of Jesus Christ…proclaiming Easter Sunday as 'Transgender Day' is outrageous and abhorrent. The American people are taking note."

A spokesman for former President Donald Trump called on the White House to issue an apology to the millions of Christians across America who believe Easter Sunday is for one celebration only—the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We share the outrage, but note that the controversy is more than an argument over symbolism. In President Biden's tribute to transgenderism on Good Friday, he called for the passage of a legislative monstrosity misnamed, "The Equality Act." That LGBTQ-proposed law would severely restrict the religious liberty of Christians and followers of other faiths.

A strong case can be made that the proposed law, which Biden also touted in his State of the Union address, is unconstitutional because it violates the First Amendment guarantee of the "free exercise of religion."

In addition, if the legislation becomes law, it would force every school in America to allow boys claiming to be girls to enter all girls' safe spaces, including gym facilities and bathrooms.

The Biden White House and major media acted shocked and confused that Christians would be offended by International Transgender Visibility Day being declared on Easter Sunday. Do they really not understand that the day marking the resurrection of Christ is the most holy day of the year for Christians? One commentator on MSNBC said, "Isn't Easter about inclusion?" No, it's about the Son of God defeating death and washing away our sins with His shed blood.

Some said it was a coincidence that this year International Transgender Visibility Day fell on Easter. This "holiday" is 10 years old. Easter has been celebrated for over 2,000 years. There was no requirement for Biden to issue a proclamation at all—particularly on a day so holy to millions of Americans.

The pattern here is so obvious. God was not mentioned in Biden's Thanksgiving proclamation. Jesus was absent from the Christmas statement. This year's Easter message was barely 100 words. All this from an administration that last year felt totally comfortable celebrating gay pride by inviting a bunch of trans activists to the White House, where some danced topless exposing their fake breasts on the White House lawn.

The progressive Left is secular, globalist, Marxist, and committed to ripping our nation out of the rich soil of Judeo-Christian civilization. If they succeed, America is over.

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