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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


March 31, 2020

Dr. Dobson Condemns Planned Parenthood's "Business as Usual" During this Crisis

March 31, 2020 — As I shared last week, governors in multiple states are issuing executive orders to halt "elective surgeries"—including abortion procedures—during this pandemic crisis. Rightly so, they recognize the need to fully allocate resources and medical professionals to the service of saving lives, not the business of killing our most vulnerable. Yet Planned Parenthood and its cronies will stop at nothing to continue their wicked business of death. They have filed multiple lawsuits in federal court and have already persuaded judges to grant orders allowing abortions to continue in the states of Texas, Ohio, and Alabama. This is outrageous!

In the state of Texas, at the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas Austin Division, Judge Lee Yeakel granted a Temporary Restraining Order against Governor Abbott's order to stop elective abortions. In response to this ruling, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed for an immediate appellate review. In a swift turn of events, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit granted a temporary stay, allowing Governor Abbott's executive order to remain in place until the underlying case is heard.

Within his original ruling that stopped Governor Abbott's decree halting abortions, Judge Yeakel stated that (the) "Plaintiffs' patients will suffer serious and irreparable harm in the absence of a temporary restraining order. The attorney general's interpretation of the executive order prevents Texan women from exercising what the Supreme Court has declared is their fundamental constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy before a fetus is viable. It is well established that, upon a plaintiff's demonstrating a constitutional violation, no further irreparable injury is necessary." He further wrote, "A delay in obtaining abortion care causes irreparable harm by 'result(ing) in the progression of a pregnancy to a stage at which abortion would be less safe, and eventually illegal.'"

This rationale is absurd. What about the irreparable harm that now faces countless Americans due to the lack of medical supplies? Even more so, we should be appalled over the moral depravity that would claim a right to the onslaught of countless babies in the midst of this national health crisis. As a country, we are making the necessary sacrifices to do all we can to preserve life—it should be no different for Planned Parenthood.

However, at Planned Parenthood's national headquarters, it's business as usual, as if to say, "Forget the coronavirus, the slaughter of innocents must continue."

This is beyond sickening. At a time in our nation when we are doing everything we can to save lives, we have federal judges telling us that it's Planned Parenthood's right to exterminate lives. Together we must stand up for life and stare down the death-crazed abortion giant and its allies.

Here's what you can do:

1. Please let the governors of Texas, Ohio, Iowa, Oklahoma, and Alabama know you support their courageous actions.

2. Ask your governors to stand up to Planned Parenthood and stop abortions during this pandemic.

3. Share this post to let your friends and family know that abortionists are prioritizing death over life.


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