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December 03, 2021

Dr. James Dobson denounces HHS for its embrace of LGBTQ ideology and its attack on religious freedom

After nearly a year of onslaught by the radical Left, you might wonder if things can get any worse. They can! In a recent court filing in the Whitman-Walker Clinic case, the Biden administration's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has promised to issue a rule by April 2022 that will satisfy most or all of a radical agenda pushed by 30 activist groups including Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Human Rights Campaign, and the National Center for Transgender Equality. Those groups, under the umbrella of The Leadership Conference, have provided HHS with a 74-page memorandum of what HHS should include in another regulation purportedly implementing the Affordable Care Act. HHS, through the Department of Justice, has promised that turning the activists' memo into a binding regulation is "far from theoretical."


Its plan is to usher in an explosion of new abortion and "sexual rights" that will not only wreak havoc upon God's created order, but also will crush existing protections for people of faith who serve as healthcare providers. More to the point, employers will have to pay, in their employee health plans, for abortifacients and surgical abortion, for mutilating gender transition surgeries, for elective cosmetic surgery for transexuals, and even for "reproductive health care" for "socially infertile" persons. The "socially infertile" include single persons, gay couples, and "anyone else who would require donated gamete(s) to reproduce." 


If this were not enough, HHS will also require physicians and hospitals to perform these services without any religious or conscience objection. Imagine Catholic hospitals or Christian doctors and nurses being forced to perform abortions, to give teenage girls testosterone, participate in "gender transition" procedures, and compel Christian ministries and employers to cover such death and mutilation in their health care plans. Does this sound like a nightmare to you? It's a dream come true for the Biden administration, HHS, and the evil groups directing their sinister plans. And it's just around the corner, HHS has promised to issue a proposed rule authorizing this evil by spring.


This is unadulterated wickedness. Do you understand what is happening? Let me make it explicit: The lives of precious children will be destroyed through abortion, impressionable boys and girls — made in God's image — will be empowered to mutilate themselves in the name of "gender identity," and health care providers and people of faith will be powerless to resist.


No citizen can sit this battle out. No man or woman of faith can avert their eyes. This cannot be allowed. There is no stronger way to say it. Wake up! Stand up! Speak up! Time is running out for all of us. Call HHS at 1-877-696-6775 and demand an immediate end to this evil.

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