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From Poverty to Ph.D., Part 1

Guest: Dr. Carol Swain


May 19, 2021

First Graders Exposed to LGBTQ Ideology in Washington

What do you want your children to learn about "gender identity"? Never mind, because in Washington state, it may not be up to you.

A first grade teacher read "I am Jazz" to her students. The book, published in 2014, tells the "story of a transgender child based on the real-life experience of Jazz Jennings, who has become a spokesperson for transkids everywhere," according to an Amazon description.

When concerned parents spoke up, the school district shut them down. Rather than condemning the actions of the teacher and her clear efforts to indoctrinate children with inappropriate sexual content, the district's superintendent defiantly defended her. Greg Baker, the superintendent of Bellingham School District, said such books are "consistent with our values," "age-appropriate," and illustrative of the fact that "all people are unique and wonderful."

The school board, perhaps not surprisingly, appears to have remained silent on the issue. Young America's Foundation, a conservative youth organization, says its investigation of the issue found that the school board president runs a local sex shop that is open to "all ages."

Certainly, God has created all individuals fearfully and wonderfully, as the psalmist wrote in the Scriptures, but He also created biological reality, and our "educators" are lying to our children about the essence of male and female (Genesis 1:27). We've said it before, and we will say it again: Now more than ever, it is vitally important that you teach your children about God's design for males and females, including for human sexuality.

If you live in the school district, Superintendent Baker needs to hear from you. You can reach him at: 360-676-6501.

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