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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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December 08, 2022

Hillary Clinton Bashes Pro-Lifers Again

She's back! PBS's Christiane Amanpour recently interviewed the former first lady and 2016 presidential candidate. Amanpour asked Mrs. Clinton what she thought about the "unfinished business" of women's rights around the world.

Clinton responded that women's rights are "literally under attack in places like Iran or Afghanistan or Ukraine—where rape is a tactic of war—or under attack by political and cultural forces in a county like our own when it comes to women's healthcare and bodily autonomy."

The last phrase referring to healthcare and bodily autonomy is code for abortion on demand.

Hillary Clinton is furious that the Supreme Court, in the Dobbs decision, made it clear that there is not now, nor has there ever been, an actual right to abort an innocent baby in the U.S. Constitution. The Court turned the abortion issue back to each state to decide. For Hillary Clinton to compare that to the status of women in Afghanistan, Iran and war-torn Ukraine is disgusting, as well as demonstrably untrue.

Women in Afghanistan are treated like property. Young women are often prevented from attending school. Men regularly beat and abuse their wives and daughters and face no legal consequences. During the Biden administration's ill-planned retreat from Afghanistan in August 2021, desperate Afghan women tried to hand their little girls over barriers to U.S. soldiers, hoping they would be brought to America.

In Iran, women have died in recent weeks fighting the radical Islamic government that insists that all women wear head coverings, burkas or other coverings. Over 14,000 demonstrators have been arrested.

In Ukraine, Russian soldiers are allegedly "weaponizing" rape of Ukrainian women. These horrors, according to Hillary Clinton, are comparable to laws in some U.S. states limiting abortion after a baby's heartbeat can be detected.

Hillary Clinton is a pro-abortion grandmother, which is sad. She has also enjoyed a life of privilege in the United States. Comparing America in any way to Afghanistan and Iran, or comparing pro-life laws here to women being raped in Ukraine is beyond the pale.

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