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Guest: Dr. Scott Stanley

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Making Marriage Last

Guest: Dr. Scott Stanley

Memories of Ronald Reagan

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Sensing the Presence of God in the Trump White House

Guest: Gary Bauer


June 10, 2021

LGBTQ Agenda Coming in Full Force

A recent opinion editorial leaves no doubt of the fact that media companies and corporations are "all in" on the LGBTQ agenda.

From books to video content to children's toys, the indoctrination of your sons and daughters can't be ignored. But will it be opposed?

We told you last week about the LEGO set featuring "ambiguous" figures to celebrate "Pride Month." We've shared about the efforts from Disney, Pixar, and mainstream media to advance the LGBTQ agenda. A recent piece on LifeSiteNews.com talks about just how pervasive this effort truly is.

Whether it's Amazon Prime remaking the classic Cinderella with a "LGBTQ sexless godmother," or a new book entitled "My Daddies," or PBS and its promotion of a drag queen known as "Little Miss Hot Mess" to young children, the so-called progressives are unrelenting in their indoctrination.

What can we do?

You can start by downloading our free e-book, "Are Boys and Girls Really That Different?" Use this material as a resource as you explain to your children that God created us male and female (Genesis 1:27).

If you and I don't counter these lies with the truth, what will your children and grandchildren come to believe about human sexuality?

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February 05, 2025

There's Hope in This New Battle

Trump’s strong message was broadcast by video.1 He began by saying, “Each year, Americans of every age, color, and background travel to our nation’s capital by the tens of thousands to stand up for precious little babies who cannot stand up for themselves.” He then made this clear promise: “In my second term, we will again stand proudly for families and for life.”

January 29, 2025

A Proud Defense of Faith, Family, and Babies

Trump’s strong message was broadcast by video.1 He began by saying, “Each year, Americans of every age, color, and background travel to our nation’s capital by the tens of thousands to stand up for precious little babies who cannot stand up for themselves.” He then made this clear promise: “In my second term, we will again stand proudly for families and for life.”

January 22, 2025

A New Day Dawns in Washington

On the first day of the Trump-Vance administration, President Trump issued hundreds of executive orders. One asserted that there are only two sexes, male and female. In doing so, the president was merely repeating what the Bible tells us in Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (ESV).