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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


July 27, 2021

Mother Equips Parents to Fight Against Cultural Indoctrination

If you're paying attention, you know that there is a war going on for the souls of your children.

But one Seattle mother says the way to win the battle is to go on the offensive. Conservative activist Katy Faust explains that parents "cannot sit this one out," and "you have to get to your kids first." The key is to teach your children, from an early age, how to think critically about controversial topics.

"They don't have to be cultural victims. You can equip them, you can train them, and they can actually be forces for good in the world," Faust said. "It's a war of ideas. The good news is [that] we are on the side of reality."

While some parents might be nervous about addressing mature topics with younger children, Faust reminds them that someone already is. "I know what you're saying is, 'I'm not ready to talk to my fourth grader about this.' Well, the world is talking with your fourth grader, so you have to get to them first, right, in an age-appropriate way."

Our kids are facing unbelievable pressures as they are daily indoctrinated with godless and perverse content. Someone needs to come alongside and teach them to set their minds and hearts on what is true, honorable, right, and pure. That "someone" is you! (Philippians 4:8)

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