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April 01, 2024

No Christ for The Children

An egg is not the symbol of our Risen Lord. Christians gather at the foot of the cross and celebrate the empty tomb. But even the secular egg is a threat to our current Caesars.

The Biden administration just held the annual Easter Egg Roll at the White House. This year the event was specifically aimed at "Celebrating National Guard Families." That's a wonderful theme. As part of the festivities, children of those families were invited to decorate eggs with a rendition of something important to them — "a favorite activity, scenery in your state, your military family, a day-in-your life, etc."

Predictably, the leftist secular progressives who run our government made it clear that the special moment or memory the children drew could not "include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes." Hey kids — No Jesus for you!

Christ was banned from the eggs along with other "controversial" subjects, including "bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age." Of course, the truth is that the Resurrected Son of God is the solution to all the ills that the Biden administration warns against.

If a child decorated an egg with a depiction of themselves transitioning from being a boy to being a "girl," that child could be honored as one of the "winners" at the White House. But instead, if a child depicted the moment they accepted Christ on their egg or decorated it with a cross, they would be disqualified from the competition.

This "egg" controversy symbolizes something much bigger, which is why it gained traction this weekend. On multiple fronts, religious liberty is under attack from the Biden administration.

JDFI prays that Christians will wake up. Hold the Truth close to your heart. Teach the Truth to your children. Refuse to compromise on Truth. Become an involved citizen. Pray for a revival to sweep across this nation. We are in an era of testing, and we must protect our religious liberty. We must not bow to any King but Jesus.

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