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From Poverty to Ph.D., Part 1

Guest: Dr. Carol Swain


July 13, 2021

Normalizing Abortion for Children

A Kickstarter campaign has raised more than double its funding goal for a book that seeks to normalize abortion for children.

Authors of the book, entitled What's an Abortion, Anyway? say that they "believe in building a world for kids and adults where abortion is normalized as another outcome of pregnancy, just like miscarriage and birth." They hope to accomplish this goal by getting their book into the children's section of public libraries across the country. They also hope to "send a free copy of this book to every abortion clinic in the United States."

The authors describe themselves as "abortion doulas" who want to ensure "that everyone has the resources they need to have intentional, compassionate, and nonjudgmental conversations about abortion care with the young people in their lives." Their goal is to brainwash our youngest in an attempt to normalize the murder of innocent children. This is as sinister as it gets!

Is there any question that abortion advocates want to influence how your children view abortion? Every human life is precious, from conception until natural death. Abortion is a great evil that preys on the most vulnerable among us, and now, activists are writing children's books in an effort to capture the next generation.

If ever truth was needed, it's now. We will continue to stand up for the unborn…will you stand with us?

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