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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


November 27, 2023

Ohio: Abortion Haven?

Well, that didn't take long. On November 7th, 56% of Ohio voters dealt a blow to its pro-life reputation by voting to amend their state constitution to permit most abortions. Now, a gleeful Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio has announced plans to expand the number of abortion centers in the state and hire more personnel. Planned Parenthood recognizes a profit opportunity when they see it — the more babies murdered, the richer America's largest provider of abortion becomes.

Ohio borders five other states, including Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia, all of which have laws protecting the sanctity of life. Planned Parenthood plans to transport women from those states to Ohio to end the lives of their pre-born babies.

Meanwhile, political analysts are still trying to figure out how a state that has routinely elected pro-life governors, senators, congressmen, and state legislators voted pro-death on November 7th. Here's one explanation. The pro-abortion side had a massive funding advantage, which allowed them to dominate advertising on the constitutional amendment.

But there are more troubling explanations, as well. The percentage of self-described Christians and conservatives who voted that day dropped significantly. Among evangelicals who did bother to vote, 25% of them voted pro-abortion. Churches in Ohio should call a day of prayer for the future of their state.

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