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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


January 19, 2022

Parents Are Increasingly Rejecting Public Schools

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 11.1 percent of K-12 students nationwide are now homeschooled.

In the spring of 2020, that number was 5.4 percent.

What is causing parents, and their students, to dump public education? 

Brietbart reports:

Many education bureaucrats blame the coronavirus pandemic for their plunging enrollment numbers, but parents are pulling their children out of government schools because of COVID-related mandates and the infiltration of Critical Race Theory (CRT) principles and LGBTQ activist materials in curricula as well.

Make no mistake, the secular culture is manipulating the minds of your sons and daughters every day of the school year. Small children barely old enough to read are being exposed to homosexual propaganda, sexual liberation, and other unbiblical and revolutionary concepts such as Critical Race Theory.

Many high schools and most colleges have become little more than training grounds for leftist activism. Public schools can't be counted on to instill your kids with moral virtue, so it's up to you. Even if you don't homeschool your children, you must build into your sons and daughters the moral and spiritual foundation they need to navigate this world and to make God-honoring decisions. Secondly, you must be intimately involved in your kids' education. What are they learning, and from whom? What curriculum is your school using, and why? 

The responsibility falls on your shoulders. Are you up to the task?

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