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From Poverty to Ph.D., Part 1

Guest: Dr. Carol Swain


June 28, 2023

Pregnant Dads?

Recently, millions of fathers were honored and showered with love by their wives and children this past Father's Day. Many of America's problems would be solved if more children had moms and dads while growing up.

Sadly, while dads were getting a pat on the back, government-funded National Public Radio (NPR) was honoring a pregnant "man" for LGBTQ Pride Month. NPR highlighted the story of 37-year-old Kayden Coleman and "his" surprise pregnancy. We agree with NPR that a man experiencing pregnancy would indeed be a surprise. It would also be impossible.

Coleman is a biological woman. Ten years ago, she had her breasts removed after taking male hormones. Neither her mastectomies nor the hormones changed the biological and scientific facts. She is a woman, even if she suffers from the delusion that she is a man. Of the 8 billion people in the world, exactly 100% of them were birthed by biological women.

Tragically, NPR is exploiting the "gender dysphoria" that this individual suffers from and is using it to spread a lie that men can get pregnant. This defies human biology and common sense. It is a dangerous attack on reality. Shame on NPR and progressive elites who are promoting this nonsense. These are the same people who constantly tell us that we should "follow the science." Yet, they are not doing so. They are promoting myths and demanding we accept them. Ultimately, they are attacking the "natural law" and God's creation.

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