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Latest Broadcast

From Poverty to Ph.D., Part 1

Guest: Dr. Carol Swain


January 13, 2022

President Biden Nominates Another Activist to the Federal Judiciary

During his first year in office, President Joe Biden has appointed, and the Senate has confirmed, 40 Article III federal judges.

If you think these judges are all sympathetic to religious freedom and our other God-given and constitutionally-guaranteed rights, you are sorely mistaken. Look no further than the most recent nominee, Nancy Abudu. She currently serves as the litigation director for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

Allow our friends at FRCAction to remind you about this dangerous group:

[T]he Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) [is] a corrupt organization known for targeting its political opponents with its "hate group" label and dangerous rhetoric. 


The SPLC was connected in federal court to domestic terrorism because their "hate group" designation and dangerous rhetoric inspired a troubled young man to attempt mass murder here at FRC. Fortunately, he was unsuccessful and no one was killed, although he did shoot and wound our unarmed building manager who subdued him. We remain listed as a "hate group" and our policy positions remain mischaracterized on their website, despite repeated requests for an apology and correction.

The SPLC holds itself out as a champion of civil rights, but former staff have detailed rampant internal racism and sexism within the organization's highest ranks. One whistleblower described the organization as having "a pervasive racist culture and an environment in which a woman is not seen or heard."

Does this sound like a good environment from which to select a federal judge who will enjoy a lifetime appointment?! 

The Trump administration appointed nearly 200 Article III judges to the bench, including three justices on the U.S. Supreme Court. This provides us with a greater number of judges who understand their constitutional obligations, but the Biden administration seems determined to roll back this progress. 

It is essential that our public officials appoint judges who will not overstep their constitutional role. Accordingly, you have a responsibility to support and elect public servants who will take seriously their obligation to preserve our constitutional balance of powers. You also have a responsibility and privilege to speak up when this duty is ignored.
FRCAction has a way for you to do just that. Click here to demand that your senators oppose Nancy Abudu's nomination.

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