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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


January 26, 2024

Pro-Lifers Stand Strong During D.C. Winter Storm

Friday, January 19th was a great day for the pro-life movement in Washington, D.C. In brutally cold and snowy weather, representing JDFI and Dr. James Dobson, I joined over 100,000 people at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. The overwhelmingly youthful crowd rallied for the sanctity of human life, and then peacefully marched through the streets of our nation's capital.

There was no hatred on display, no violence, no vitriol, no threats of any kind—only young, committed Americans pleading with our elected officials to protect the most defenseless Americans of all—our unborn children.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, a committed Christian, shared his own story of why he is pro-life with the rally goers. He told the rapt crowd, "I am, myself, a product of an unplanned pregnancy. In January of 1972 … my parents, who were just teenagers at the time, chose life. And, I am very profoundly grateful that they did."

Speaker Johnson had just passed, in the House of Representatives, two bills to aid pregnancy centers and pregnant college students. He encouraged the crowd to stand strong because, "it takes a lot of work to convince people that every single human child, every unborn child, has a value that's too precious to ignore." We stand with Speaker Mike Johnson as he stands for life!

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