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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


December 08, 2023

Stop The Abortion Juggernaut

Pro-abortion extremists have shocked the pro-life movement in a string of victories on referenda across America. At least four states have amended their constitutions to permit virtually unlimited abortions, including Ohio, Michigan, and California. The victories were the result of pro-abortion forces massively outspending the pro-life side, and low voter turnout among Christians and conservatives.

In addition, the amendments are usually vaguely written so that voter confusion is widespread.

The biggest battle yet is looming in the important state of Florida. The solidly conservative state legislature passed legislation to save pre-born children's lives after six weeks of pregnancy. Governor Ron DeSantis signed the legislation into law. Pro-abortion forces want to nullify or cancel it with an amendment to the state constitution. That amendment would have to receive 60% of the vote in November 2024 to become law.

To get the pro-abortion amendment on the ballot, the abortion-on-demand forces must collect 891,523 valid signatures of registered voters. So far, they are around 269,000 signatures short of the requirement. Pro-lifers hope to prevent them from reaching that total and have launched a "Decline to Sign" campaign.

This week the Decline to Sign campaign distributed educational material across the state, urging Floridians not to sign any petition that would put a pro-abortion initiative on the ballot. At the website: FloridaVoiceForTheUnborn.com you can access multiple projects and resources for the sanctity of life in the state of Florida.

JDFI supports this campaign and urges pro-life Floridians to get involved now!

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