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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


October 07, 2021

Women Regret Their Abortions

The far-Left media makes every effort to celebrate abortion, and they recently praised Uma Thurman's public acknowledgment of her abortion as a young actress.

But while the media described these tragic events as a triumph, the reality is that Uma's story is one of heartbreak and loss. 

When Uma learned she was pregnant by a much older man, she was unsure of what to do. "I wanted to keep the baby, but how?" she asked. Her parents offered abortion as the only solution. Uma said her "childish fantasy of motherhood was soundly corrected" by her parents. She added, "We decided as a family that I couldn't go through with the pregnancy, and agreed that termination was the right choice."

It wasn't.

Uma admits the abortion "was the hardest decision of my life, one that caused me anguish then and that saddens me even now." She says her "heart was broken" and that "[t]here is so much pain in this story."

Abortion doesn't help women, it hurts them. It ends the life of a child and it causes emotional pain for the baby's mother. It is past time for this evil to end.

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