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Making Marriage Last

Guest: Dr. Scott Stanley

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Making Marriage Last

Guest: Dr. Scott Stanley

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December 4, 2017

A New Year's Resolution

A firm decision to do or not to do something. That is the definition of a resolution.
Did you know between 40 and 45 percent of adults in America make New Year’s Resolutions to start January 1st? However, almost 100 percent of those resolutions are forgotten by January 20th. I myself, am guilty of this conundrum of a cycle. 

For the past few years I have set goals for myself that are forgotten as my schedule picks up and life becomes crazy again. Instead of persevering into the wondrous goals I have set for myself, I end up making the same goals each year between the week of Christmas and New Year's Day only to find my failures around the beginning of February.

But, I had a thought this morning. "Why don't I let God set those goals for me? He knows me better than I know myself and I need Him!" Later in the morning I was reading through Get Over Yourself by our Extraordinary Speaker Jennifer Beckham and I read this excerpt:

"Elizabeth Barrett Browning once wrote, "God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame," and boy, was she right! In the end, God taught me that he Had a much bigger dream for my life than I had conceived."

See ladies, this I exactly what I am talking about! We can strive to attain perfection through our eyes and through the world's eyes day after day, year after year, only to find that it is in vain. If we really want to have our lives changed, we need to make only resolution for life; To let God take control. No matter where you are, no matter what you’ve done, lay that down at God’s feet and say, "I cannot do this anymore. I know the sinful things I’ve done that do not glorify you and I want to change. I resolve this year, to let you lead me Lord, in the way that is glorifying to you."

Maybe you have no idea what I mean when I say let God take control of your life. Well, that’s probably because you have never made Jesus Christ Lord of your life before. If that is the case, you have one more step and it is the most important step and decision you will ever make I your life. You need to take some time to understand what it means to be a Christian and make that decision. I encourage you to talk to a godly friend, pastor, or mentor and find out what it means to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your Life.

I promise you, if you do that, this year will be the beginning of a wonderful and meaningful eternity full of hope, faith, and love.

God Bless you all as we ring in the New Year!

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